Corporate Profile

Established in 1958, Canadian Puregas Equipment Limited is an independent Canadian owned and controlled corporation. Since that time Canadian Puregas Equipment Limited has provided air network services with a dedicated and increasing level of service. These services include complete air systems, installation, training and maintenance. Originally, dryers and pressurization equipment manufactured by the Puregas Equipment Company (U.S.) were sold and serviced for the Canadian domestic telecommunications market.

In 1975 Canadian Puregas began manufacturing pressurization equipment in Canada, progressing to complete dryers and panel systems by 1979. This greatly improved our ability to provide custom requirements to our customers. Canadian Puregas has established itself as a leader in its field and provides air network services worldwide. These services include complete air systems, installation, training and maintenance.

Since 1990, Canadian Puregas has been supplying and servicing cable pressure monitoring systems built by Nicotra Systemi of Italy. Canadian Puregas has installed systems and worked with Telcos to adapt the systems to existing facilities and requirements. These systems use dedicated solid state pressure and flow transducers for computer generated alarming and leak location. These systems are also capable of monitoring fibre optic cable and cabinets for security.

Canadian Puregas has full production facilities located in Canada. We also supply and service industrial puregas dryers used for instrumentation, spectrometers, CO2 and hydrocarbon adsorbers. Full training on products is carried out at Canadian Puregas facilities or at the customer's site. Canadian Puregas sells and services dryers and associated equipment to the telecommunications, microwave and instrumentation industries as well as for military radar applications.

Our head office is located in Dunnville, Ontario, Canada with a sales office in Montreal Montreal. International representation in Mexico, Central America, Carribean, South Africa and Hong Kong.

Customer List


AGT Limited
Abitibi Price Inc.
B.C. Hydro
Bell Canada
Bell Canada International
CN Rail
Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
Dept. of National Defense
Dome Petroleum
Edmonton Telephones
Esso Petroleum
Frontec Logistics
Hostess/Frito Lay
Hydro Quebec
Imperial Oil
Island Telephone
Maritime Tel & Tel
Ministry of Natural Resources
NB Tel
Northwest Telephone.
Newtel Communications
Northern Telecom
Northern Telephone
Nova Scotia Power Corp.
Ontario Hydro
Ontario Northland
Quebec Telephone (GTE)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Rogers Cable TV
Telebec Ltee.
Teleglobe Canada Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Transport Canada
Unitel (AT&T)
Videotron Limitee


Great Eagle Enterprise Inc.
Hong Kong Telecom



Costa Rica


Dominican Republic

Codetel (GTE)


NATO Maint. & Supply Agency




Cable & Wireless Panama

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rican Telephone Company


Lityan Systems Pte. Ltd.

Saudi Arabia

Abana Enterprises Group

South Africa

MCT Telecommunications (PTY) Ltd.


Swedish Space Corporation

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